What are the Components of Selenium?

Selenium is a suite of tools that can be used for automating web browsers. It provides a set of libraries and tools to interact with web elements and automate web applications.

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  1. Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment): Selenium IDE is a record-and-playback tool that allows you to record your interactions with the web application and generate a test script. It is a Firefox extension and can be used to record the user interactions and export them as test scripts in various programming languages.
  2. Selenium WebDriver: Selenium WebDriver is a programming interface that allows you to write test scripts in various programming languages such as Java, Python, C#, Ruby, and JavaScript. It communicates with the web browser through browser-specific browser drivers such as ChromeDriver, GeckoDriver, EdgeDriver, and SafariDriver. WebDriver provides a rich set of APIs for interacting with web elements, performing actions such as clicking, typing, and selecting, and verifying web elements’ state.
  3. Selenium Grid: Selenium Grid is a tool used for parallel execution of test scripts on multiple machines simultaneously. It allows you to distribute the test cases across multiple machines, which reduces the test execution time.
  4. Selenium Remote Control (RC): Selenium RC is an older version of Selenium that is now deprecated. It was used to execute tests on remote machines and supported multiple programming languages such as Java, Python, C#, and Ruby. However, it has now been replaced by Selenium WebDriver.
  5. Selenium Options: Selenium Options is a class that provides options for configuring the behaviour of the WebDriver. It provides methods for configuring options such as proxy settings, timeouts, and browser-specific options.

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These are the primary components of Selenium, and each component serves a specific purpose in the Selenium suite. Using these components, testers can automate web applications and perform various testing tasks such as functional testing, regression testing, and performance testing.

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